Sunday, March 29, 2015

My Journey

This blog is to serve as a diary of me becoming a Pastry Chef. To show my growth in learning, as well as demonstrating the process of my path to making my dreams a reality. I have baked basically my entire life, it to me is a euphoric experience. Its the calm in my life while living in this chaotic world. I love to experiment with recipes to create different flavor combinations and results. I have many successes and  downfalls with experimentation. Baking is something that I have always done, now decorating isn't something I was ever required to perfect with just serving family and friends.

March 25, 2015 is one of the most important days of my life. It was the end of one journey and the beginning of a new. I have recently jumped out there on a leap of faith, ending my professional career to pursue my childhood dream of becoming a Pastry Chef. I don't know what all my future holds and I will admit that I am scared as hell, but I also know that I have what it takes to make my dreams a reality. I intend to do whatever it takes to get to where I plan to be in life.

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